The Healing Technologies of Ammortal Chamber

Photobiomodulation utilizing a powerful red light bed, and the use of specific wavelengths of red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function and promote various health benefits.

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is an emerging alternative therapeutic approach that combines music or sound with gentle vibrations to promote relaxation and well-being, as well as delivering transformative experiences.


Bioharmonic Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field and Pulsed Electric Field technology utilizing short-durationelectrical impulses and electromagnetic fields designed to elicit cellular harmony.

Molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy, shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, improve performance and recovery, as well as having neuroprotective properties.

Guided meditation and breathwork programs, with a growing library of customizable content, all designed to facilitate deep relaxation, harmonization of the system, and transformation o the self.


Bio-Stacking Technology: alone, each of these technologies is powerful. When combined within the experiential Chamber meditations, the results can be profoundly impactful, both immediatly, and long-term





The predominant feedback about the post-Ammortal feeling is “energized, but relaxed”. You’re fine to go about your day as normal, however our facility has the space for you to take a few moments to recalibrate and come back into your body should you need it.




Unique to Apparati Wellness, we talk with you about the best Ammortal experience for you. We will discuss your goals, and current state, and recommend the best program for each Ammortal experience you choose to have with us. After we have started your specially selected program, you will be left to make yourself comfortable in the bed as the guided countdown walks you through every step. Relax, exhale, experience Ammortal.